Lexi Mae

Lexi Mae

Monday, August 10, 2009

August 10, 2009- Follow-up from neurology

We saw a neurologist today. We actually saw 2 as the first doctor wanted to get a second opinion as Lexi's "symptoms" are extremely unusual. Our neurologist was on vacation, but it was good to get two new perspectives. The neurologist think that there is an issue with Lexi's brainstem and sending correct responses to her eyes. This would be related to the cranial damage she had following her heart surgery. They "mystery" is why this is just now coming up. That is why there is so much concern. They want to do an MRI as soon as possible. However, the first available isn't until September 1st. The neurologist do not feel this is soon enough so they are going to make some calls tomorrow and work her in. The difficult thing is that Lexi has to be sedated so they have to involve a pediatric anesthesiologist that specializes in cardiac. The neurologist today think that Lexi has some neuron damage on her brainstem from lack of oxygen or blood supply during surgery. Hopefully, this will be shown in the MRI. Otherwise, it's a "guess" and we will go back to Opthomology to look into eye surgery in the next few weeks.

Please pray that we are able to get Lexi worked in sooner for her MRI!! Thank you all for your concern!

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