Lexi Mae

Lexi Mae

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday, November 30

Alexis got to have her Daddy all to herself this weekend. He came up Friday and stayed through Sunday so I could go home to see the twins Saturday through Sunday. It was nice to be home for the first time in 2 1/2 weeks, but those 24 hours went by very quickly.

As I'm writing this Alexis is snoozing her in princess decorated crib. She sleeps a lot lately due to some of her medication. While it's nice that she's not irritable and un-sootheable, it's frustrating that she's not awake and alert much at all during the day, making it difficult to work on her occupational and physical therapy, as well as her normal baby movements of kicking and moving around. The neurologists were in today and plan to now be in to examine her every day as she still has an undiagnosed neurological issue.

Since tomorrow is the first of the month, we get an entirely new team of cardiologists and neurologists to treat Alexis. They will meet with and be thoroughly updated by the previous roatation of doctors. We are optimistic that having a new set of people examine her may shed some new insight and opinions into her condition and care.

Specific Prayer Requests:

Pray for the new team of doctors as they try to diagnose Alexis' cause of complications and find a treatment for them.

Pray that this week we are able to see some sort of improvement in Alexis' condition. The most important reflex for her to regain is her gag reflex. Pray for this to come back soon so we can begin working on feeding therapy.


Anonymous said...

Cherie, Jon, and baby Alexis-
My mom and dad both sent me the link to this blog while I was at school.. I've been reading it every night. Know that you are all in my prayers. I'm here to be another prayer warrior to help battle this through with you.
Jon and Cherie, you both are showing so much strength.. don't lose sight of that.
God is so sovereign.. He's in total control.

I will continue to read on, as I will continue to pray.
Love you both.
Sarah Poehler

Laurie said...

Hugs from the Butlers. Lexi can feel your strength.

Kim Marquart said...

AMEN for the rest for Cherie!!!! and the ability to go home!
Praying the new rotation has new ideas....that's what I LOVE about teaching hospitals too!!
You know where to reach me.